Paper Application/Abstract Submission|講演申込・要旨登録
Paper Application Deadline / 発表申込締切
Paper application for poster presentations must be received April 15 (Mon.) , 2019.(extended until May 10(Fri.), 2019)
Presentation / 発表形式
Oral presentations are limited only to invited speakers. We will accept poster presentation by researchers concerning nucleic acid chemistry.
Steps of “Paper Application” / 発表申込の手順
1. Enter information of Principal author.
2. Enter information of presenter and co-authors.
3. Choose your category and enter Keyword(s) .
4. Enter title of your paper.
5. Check this form and submit.
6. You will receive "Confirmation e-mail" from symposium secretariat.


Symposium Themes / シンポジウムテーマ
Abstracts are required for poster presentations in the following Symposium Themes:

1. Chemistry of Nucleosides, Nucleotides, and Their Analogues
2. Medicinal Chemistry of Nucleosides and Oligonucleotides
3. DNA/RNA Chemistry and Biochemistry
4. DNA/RNA Structure and Recognition
5. Ribozymes, siRNAs, and miRNAs
6. DNA/RNA Materials and Diagnostics
7. Drug Delivery Systems and Nanotechnology of Oligonucleotides
8. Other
Steps of "Abstract Submission" / 要旨原稿の提出
Please send your two-page A4 abstract (PDF file) as an attached file by e-mail with;

1. Principal author’s name
2. Title of paper
3. Your " Paper Application Number"

in the text.

Your two-page A4 abstract (PDF file) should be sent to the Symposium Secretariat of CISNAC2019 (

Abstract Submission Deadline / 要旨原稿提出締切
Abstract for all presentations must be received by April 25(Thu.), 2019.(extended until May 10(Fri.), 2019)

Please download and use the template below for your abstract. Make sure that the template for invited speakers will be given by CISNAC2019 Local organizing committee.


To avoid garbled printout, all the fonts should be embedded in the PDF file, which can be checked in the property of document. The simplest way of embedding fonts is to select "High Quality" (or "Ko-hinshitsu Insatsu" in Japanese) in property when you make a PDF file.
Symposium Secretariat of CISNAC2019 / 運営準備室
c/o Kinki Nippon Tourist Hokkaido Co., Ltd.
Hokkaido Destination Management Branch
(株)近畿日本ツーリスト北海道 北海道DM支店MICEセンター
N-3, W-2, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, 060-0003 JAPAN
〒060-0003 札幌市中央区北3条西2丁目 日通札幌ビル6階
Tel: +81-11-280-8855 Fax: +81-11-221-5491