The Fifth International Symposium on Innovative Materials and Processes in Energy Systems ,IMPRES2019


Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture 1 (13:30-14:20, Oct. 21st)

Prof. Ryoji Kanno

Research development of All-Solid-Battery for Practice Use (Temporal)

Research Unit Leader
All-Solid-State Battery Unit, Institute of Innovative Research (IIR)
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Plenary Lecture 2 (11:00-11:50, Oct. 22nd)

Prof. André Thess

Carnot Batteries for Terawatt Hour Electricity Storage

Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany

Plenary Lecture 3 (11:00-11:50, Oct. 23rd)

Prof. Xing Zhang

Study on thermophysical Properties at Nanoscale

Institute of Engineering Thermophysics
Tsinghua University, China