登録・申込後の手続(Procedure after registration)

Sometime between Nov. 27 and 30, you will receive notification to confirm your registration and payment. Please confirm your payment options and send the remittance accordingly. You can choose from two payment options as shown below (*A representative of your group can pay fees in a lump sum. Please select your payment options on the following payment screen.):



申込締切(2014年11月27日・24:00)まではお申込いただいた参加登録・各種申込ページにて画面上で修正いただけます。締切以降は、FAXもしくはEメールにてご連絡ください。お電話での連絡はお受け致しかねます。なお当社の営業時間外にいただいた取消・変更については翌営業日での取り扱いとさせていただきます。また、お取消しの際は、下記の取消料を申し受けます。You can change your registration through the entry page online by the closing day (midnight of November 20, 2014, JST). If you want to change or cancel your registration after the closing day, please contact us by fax or e-mail (not telephone). Any changes or cancellation received outside office hours will be handled the next business day. Note that cancellations incur a cancellation fee as shown below.

●事前参加登録費・懇談会費(Pre-registration fee/reception fee)

No cancellation can be made after midnight of November 20 (Thu.). No fee is refundable for any reason.


旅行条件の説明(Terms of travel)

詳しい旅行条件のご案内を以下に掲載しております。お客様におかれましては以下に記載の旅行条件をご確認の上お申し込みいただきますようお願いいたします。Please confirm the terms and conditions of travel as shown belowbefore you apply this plan.

【ご旅行条件(Terms and conditions of travel)

なお当ホームページ上で募集する旅行は、添乗員の同行はございません。お客様に旅行サービスの提供を受ける為の書面(予約券・引換証)等をお送りいたしますので旅行サービスの提供を受けるための手続きは、お客様自身で行ってください。For your accommodation and travel arrangements for SI 2014, KNT/Nagaoka will provide assistance through our website, but please note that we do not provide brochures (leaflets or contracts). In this travel plan, in which KNT/Nagaokais a booking agent, you need to contract us with respect to your travel terms for participation in the conference. This travel shall be in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of Domestic Travel Plan and Adhesive Terms and Conditions of Travel Agency (Section of Terms and Conditions of Travel Plan) below. The travel costs shown in the following Requirements of Domestic Travel Plan are calculated based on fares and regulations effective July 1, 2014. Please note that a tour guide is not included in travel booked via our website. You will receive advance tickets or vouchers, etc. for your travel services as per your registration.

Scope of service :   domestic tour/overseas travel
Registration number: Japan Tourism Agency No. 1944
Date of registration: December 3, 2012
Effective period:  December 2, 2012 〜 December 2, 2017
Name of company: Kinki Nippon Tourist (KNT) Co., Ltd.
Name of office: Nageoka Branch
Manager of travel affairs: Yuya HASEBE

【旅行業登録票(Registration of Travel Agency)

業務範囲(Scope of service):
国内旅行・海外旅行(domestic tour/overseas travel)
登録番号(Registration number):
Japan Tourism Agency No. 1944
登録年月日(Date of registration):
平成24年12月3日(December 3, 2012 )
有効期間(Effective period) :
December 2, 2012 〜 December 2, 2017
名称(Name of company):
Kinki Nippon Tourist (KNT) Co., Ltd
営業所の名称(Name of office):
長岡支店(Nagaoka Branch)
総合旅行業務・取扱管理者(Manager of travel affairs) :
長谷部 有哉

The manager of travel affairs is responsible for all travel affairs with which the office deals. If you have any questionsabout this travel contract, please contact the manager indicated in the registration of travel agency in the above.


別紙 特別補償規程




個人情報の取扱に関して(Privacy policy)

今回の「第15回 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会」の参加登録業務ならびに各種手配に際し、ご登録いただいた皆様の個人情報に関しましては、今回の運営・手配業務上必要な場合のみの利用とし、近畿日本ツーリスト株式会社つくば支店がその他の目的で利用することはございません。個人情報の管理には万全の体制で臨んでおります。

Your personal information provided for the registration and arrangements of the SI2014 will be used only for the original purposes as and when necessary, and will be held in the strictest confidence in accordance with our privacy policy.

近畿日本ツーリスト「個人情報保護への取り組み」についてPrivacy Policy of Kinki Nippon Tourist (KNT)

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近畿日本ツーリスト株式会社 長岡支店


『第15回 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会』 担当デスク
〒940-0061 新潟県長岡市城内町2-1-7
電話:0258-34-1112 FAX:0258-34-5402
(営業時間:月〜金 9:00〜17:45 土日・祝祭日は休業)
Please contact:
KNT/Nagaoka Branch Office
2-1-7 Jyonai-cho Nagaoka-city Niigata-prf
940-0061, Japan
TEL: +81-258-34-1112, FAX: +81-258-34-5402
E-mail: si2014-0127@or.knt.co.jp
(Office hours: Mon.-Fri, 9:00 AM - 5:45 PM, Office closed on: Saturday, Sunday, Holidays)