第35回 日本ロボット学会 学術講演会

代表の方が一括でお支払いすることも可能です。申込手続きのお支払い方法の画面で選択してください。We will send you the registration contents and confirmation, method of payment to 28 Aug from 25 Aug.Please confirm your payment options and send the remittance accordingly. You can choose from two payment options as shown below (*A representative of your group can pay fees in a lump sum. Please select your payment options on the following payment screen.)

  • クレジットカードでの精算の場合(Visa、Master、JCB、Amex、Diners)
    Credit card (Visa, Master, JCB, Amex, Diners)
    The credit card you specified in the registration pages will be charged sometime after abstract application deadline.
    (Payment will be recorded as Kinki Nippon Tourist in the account statement of your card.)

  • 銀行振込の場合
    Bank transfer
    Please send your payment to the account stipulated in the registration confirmation e-mail by Aug 31 (Thu.). In this case, you need to bear the bank transfer fee.



You can change your registration through the entry page online by the closing day (Aug 10, 2016, JST). If you want to change or cancel your registration after the closing day, please contact us by fax or e-mail (not telephone). Any changes or cancellation received outside office hours will be handled the next business day. Note that cancellations incur a cancellation fee as shown below.

●事前参加登録費・懇親会費(Pre-registration fee/reception fee)

No cancellation can be made after midnight of Aug 10 (Wed.). No fee is refundable for any reason.


個人情報の取扱に関して(Privacy policy)

今回の「第35回 日本ロボット学会 学術講演会」の参加登録業務ならびに各種手配に際し、ご登録いただいた皆様の個人情報に関しましては、今回の運営・手配業務上必要な場合のみの利用とし、近畿日本ツーリスト株式会社つくば支店がその他の目的で利用することはございません。個人情報の管理には万全の体制で臨んでおります。

Your personal information provided for the registration and arrangements of the RSJ 2017 will be used only for the original purposes as and when necessary, and will be held in the strictest confidence in accordance with our privacy policy.

近畿日本ツーリスト「個人情報保護への取り組み」についてPrivacy Policy of Kinki Nippon Tourist (KNT)

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knt!近畿日本ツーリスト近畿日本ツーリスト株式会社 つくば支店

『第35回日本ロボット学会 学術講演会』 担当デスク
〒305-0005 茨城県つくば市天久保3丁目1-1
電話:029-852-2255 FAX:029-852-2266
(営業時間:月〜金 09:00〜17:45 土日・祝祭日は休業)
Please contact:
Yamada, Nakata (RSJ2017 Team)
KNT/Tsukuba Branch Office
3-1-1, Amakubo, Tsukuba-city
Ibaraki-pref 305-0005, Japan
TEL: +81-029-852-2255, FAX: +81-029-852-2266
E-mail: rsj2017_0124@or.knt.co.jp
(Office hours: Mon.-Fri, 9:00 AM - 5:45 PM, Office closed on: Saturday, Sunday, Holidays)
